Thursday, August 11, 2011

The "Debt Man Walking" Series: Translating WTF Just Passed Congress

Hoo mama, it has been a long time since I wrote anything. Its been a busy year, not only personally but for the country itself. The latest circus we were all just subjected to, as I'm sure you know, was the debt crisis debate.

Now, I have my opinions about this bill that was just passed, but before I mention any of them I want to provide you, my countless (read: two) readers with a copy of the bill in its unabridged, unedited format. This way, if you read my summary and decide "This guy is just full of it", then you can read exactly what Congress wrote and what I was referencing.
After that, I will post on each of the bill's five sections, providing summary on the points that caught my attention. I do condense many pages down into a handful of bullet points in some cases, but this was most often because the bill was setting pages of definitions, or listing nothing but budget limits for each of the next ten years, etc. If I missed something or misinterpreted it, as always, hit me up about it and we'll see if it needs changing.
Lastly, I'll provide my commentary about the bill as a whole.

But! Without further adieu, I give you:The Budget Control Act of 2011. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. You are computer savvy, I'm not. I had 40 page views yesterday. 26,552 all time.

    I want savvy partners to build a blog that will rival the Huff Post.

    I attack the media propaganda lies. I'm not politically correct. I have 4 decades experience watching this freak show.
